Welcome to the i4Health Research lab

@ York University 

@ Vector Institute 

Our Mission!

Insight for Health (i4Health) Research Lab is dedicated to addressing complex challenges influencing human health

Our Goal!


We build a Fair Multimodal Pathway to improve human health

Research Themes (ML + Health)

Our lab's focus revolves around three core themes: 

Generative & Multimodal Learning

Deep Causal Discrimination Discovery

Ambient Intelligence 4 Good

Our lab is actively involved in various application domains stemming from these three themes, including i4PCC (insight for Post COVID Condition), i4MentalHealth,


Joining the Lab (Open Positions)

Thank you for your interest in working with us. We are constantly seeking individuals who are motivated and possess exceptional talent. We are committed to promoting Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) in our lab and strongly encourage individuals from diverse backgrounds to apply.

Are you interested in ML for Health? Are you enthusiastic about playing a vital role in advancing the ongoing revolution in the field of Machine Learning for Health? Our lab is seeking highly motivated individuals; we have the following positions available:

If you're interested in joining our team and wish to be contacted, kindly complete this Google form.


Email us:

If you are interested in collaborating with us or would like to obtain further information about our research projects, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at edolatab{AT}yorku{.}ca